Friday, May 6, 2011

New Treatment for Asthma Sufferers

Sigh....people and their lifestyles. Our unhealthy lifestyles, such as lack of exercise and obesity are the cause behind a growing number of heath problems. So it didn't really come as a surprise when I learned peoples living condition and lifestyles were the cause behind a growing number of asthma sufferers. People with asthma have a larger amount of smooth muscle in their bronchial tubes than the average person. When this muscle gets irritated, it contracts, making it difficult to breathe. My brother has asthma. Its not really serious, he has only had two asthma attacks, but other people with serious asthma are often in and out of the hospital monthly, so its not a joking matter.
Compare these bronchials. Its easy to see why an asthmatic would have difficulty breathing.  
          As I said before, the frequency of asthma is on the rise. There has been a “74% increase in self reported asthma over the past two decades” (5). Doctors don't quite know what exactly causes asthma, but they know that it has something to do with peoples living conditions. According to the Seattle times, researchers say air pollution could be one of asthmas causes. However other researchers say our homes may be too clean for our own good, literally. By having overly clean homes, children aren’t being exposed to germs like pollen, cat dander or dust at an early age, so they do not develop the immunity to these things (5). Now that we have an excuse not to clean our rooms, there is good news for asthma sufferers. 

The good news is that asthma can be treated. It is not possible to cure asthma, but treatments have been developed. There are two main types of medication that are used to treat asthma. The first type of medication is known as controllers. Controllers are medications that are meant to be taken on a regular basis. They keep asthma under control by reducing the amount of inflammation and mucous in the airways. The second type of asthma medication is known as reliever medications. These medications are used to relieve asthma symptoms fast but only for short periods of time. Relievers are used for things like stopping asthma attacks or reducing asthma symptoms after exercise. Relievers are only supposed to be as needed. Most asthmatics who have light to mild asthma symptoms can get by fine simply using controllers and relievers. But people with really serious asthma need for serious treatment.  

This is a picture of the bronchial thermoplasty treatment.
            Bronchial thermoplasty is new technology that has been developed to help treat people with serious asthma. While this technology is still considered experimental, people who have undergone treatment have found that they use their relievers much less and that they have fewer trips to the hospital. What the treatment consists of is sending a flexible pipe called a bronchoscope into the airway through the mouth or nose. As the bronchoscope travels through the airway, a piece called the Alair comes out. At the end of the Alair, there are four arms which produce heat. When in contact with the airway wall for 10 second periods, this heat reduces the amount of smooth muscle in the bronchials. Less smooth muscle means the bronchial cannot contract as much. Less contracting means more air is getting in and out of the lungs. the procedure is so noninvasive that patients remain awake during this hour long procedure. Some sedative is needed, but patients aren't even kept over night. This treatment is repeated three times over the span of a few weeks. The video clip below has a visual demonstration of the procedure.

          There is no doubt that bronchial thermoplasty is a great new treatment. However, the goal for our society should be to be rid of asthma, not to need to create new treatments for it. Sadly, it doesn't look like this goal will be reached anytime soon as peoples living conditions and lifestyles are only causing asthma to become more common.

Blogs that I have commented on:
connies bio blog
Works Cited
(1) "Breakthrough Asthma Treatment Could Change Lives – American Morning - Blogs." American Morning - - Blogs. Web. 06 May 2011. <>.
(2)"CADTH: Bronchial Thermoplasty: A Hot Approach to Asthma Treatment?" CADTH: Home Page. Web. 06 May 2011. <>.
(3) C-Health. Web. 06 May 2011. <>.
(4) Folk, Erik. "Airway Interventions in the Tracheobronchial Tree: Bronchial Thermoplasty." 2008. Web. 6 May 2011. <Airway Interventions in the Tracheobronchial Tree: Bronchial Thermoplasty>.
(5) Ostrom, Carol M. "Health | Asthma Is on the Rise but Remains a Mystery | Seattle Times Newspaper." The Seattle Times | Seattle Times Newspaper. Web. 06 May 2011. <>.
(6) "Treatment - The Asthma Society of Canada." Asthma Society of Canada. Web. 06 May 2011. <>.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Angela,
    It's really sad to know that many people who suffer with asthma are due to their living conditions. I completely agree with you that asthma is not a joking manner, it is something we all need to treat seriously. There are numerous people who have asthma and some have it worse than others. From reading this blog I learned about the sudden increase in people with asthma within the past 2 years, I mean 74% increase is huge. I can tell that this is getting more serious than ever with these rising numbers. Really good job with this blog!
